Thursday, July 3, 2014

Whole30: Day One

So I've begun this journey called Whole30 and completed Day 1 yesterday!

Whole30, for those who don't know, is basically a really strict version of Paleo. Foods I cannot have include:

gluten/grains (including corn)
added sugar of any kind (including honey, agave, stevia, etc)
legumes (peanuts, peas, lentils, soy, etc)
all white potatoes (sweet potatoes ok)
processed foods

Foods I can have:
grass fed beef
free range chicken
wild caught fish
other meats (ideally organic)
organic (when I can get it) fruits and veggies
salt and seasonings
caffeine (though I don't drink any)

This is not a diet. This is a lifestyle change. After struggling with my weight since I stopped dancing in college, I'm fed up and ready to get healthy again. I've said this before, but I really feel like it just might stick this time. The PCOS has really taken a toll on my body and self confidence these last few years. Since Brett and I do want kids one day, I have to get my body into gear and give myself the best shot I can. This means changing our lifestyle, the way we eat, the way we spend our time,  and the way we exercise. I'm taking multiple supplements, vitamins and a few prescriptions everyday in order to combat this the best way possible. I know Whole30 isn't going to fix all of my issues in 30 days but it is certainly a step in the right direction. We (Brett and I) weighed in and measured yesterday and are not allowed to do it again until we finish the 30 days. I'll post a bit daily about my progress and what I've found to eat.

Day 1 Food
Breakfast: Bacon, Egg, mixed berries
Lunch: Larabar (not the best choice, but there weren't any other options in the house that were Whole30 approved)
Snack: 1/2 apple, almond butter
Dinner: Tasty Taco Salad, I forgot the tomatoes and avocado but it was still really delicious! I served it over spinach as that is the only leafy green vegetable I will eat raw.

I've also gotten up and made breakfast for us each day. I'm not a morning person but I have to say that I like getting up earlier and having the house to myself for a bit before the day starts and chores and errands have to be done.

I've also set a few goals for the program. They are:
In bed by 10pm (this is sooo hard)
No electronics after 9:30pm
Up by 6-6:30
Make breakfast and dinner everyday (reasonably)
Go to Zumba 2-3x/week
Take a walk 1/week
Weights/modified Crossfit 1/week
Floss every night before bed (you know you should too!)
No eating breakfast or dinner in front of the TV
Actually getting things done around the house (which sounds vague, but it's not)

Starting Day 2, I'm feeling good and ready to conquer this thing!

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